
Season Two Preview

Episode Summary

Co-hosts Jim Stellar, Mary Churchill, and Adrienne Dooley preview season two of ExperiencED, the experiential education podcast. The lineup includes: Cara Krezek, The Director of Cooperative Education at Brock University in Canada, and the President of the national Canadian organization Co-op Education & Work Integrated Learning or CEWIL, Jillian Kinzie Associate Director of the Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research and the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Institute, Shaun McAlmont, the President of Career Readiness at K12 Inc, and Michael Sharp the editor of Experience Magazine at CEIA the Cooperative Education and Internship Association. If you have any suggestions for topics, interviewees, or other ideas, please write to us at experiencedpodcast@gmail.com

Episode Notes

Resources Discussed:

Episode Transcription

Season 2 Preview

Jim Stellar: [00:00:00] . Welcome to the ExperiencED podcast. I am Jim Stellar. 

[00:00:12] Mary Churchill: [00:00:12] I am Mary Churchill. 

[00:00:13] Adrienne Dooley: [00:00:13] And I am Adrienne Dooley. 

[00:00:15] Jim Stellar: [00:00:15] We bring you this podcast on experiential education 

[00:00:18] Mary Churchill: [00:00:18] with educators and thought leaders 

[00:00:20] Adrienne Dooley: [00:00:20] from around the country and the world. 

[00:00:23] Well, can you believe it guys? Here we are at season two 

[00:00:27] Mary Churchill: [00:00:27] And we have a great lineup so far.

[00:00:29] Cara Krezek, The Director of Cooperative education at Brock University in Canada, and the President of the national Canadian organization Co-op Education & Work Integrated Learning or CEWIL, Jillian Kinzie Associate Director of the Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research and the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Institute.

[00:00:52] Jim Stellar: [00:00:52] And it goes on with Shaun McAlmont, the President of Career Readiness at K12 Inc, and Michael Sharp the editor of Experience Magazine at CEIA the Cooperative Education and Internship Association. 

[00:01:05] Adrienne Dooley: [00:01:05] We may even have a few more surprises for you as we continue to develop our spring 2020 podcast season.

[00:01:11] Mary Churchill: [00:01:11] If you have any suggestions for topics, interviewees, or other ideas, please write to us at experiencedpodcast@gmail.com 

[00:01:20] Adrienne Dooley: [00:01:20] We look forward to getting your ideas. 

[00:01:23] Mary Churchill: [00:01:23] Thank you for listening. We hope you will come back soon for the next installation of ExperiencED, 

[00:01:29] Adrienne Dooley: [00:01:29] as we continue to talk about the neuroscience and sociology of enhancing higher education 

[00:01:34] Jim Stellar: [00:01:34] by combining direct experience with classical academic learning.